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Registry of Italians residing abroad (AIRE)

Law no. 470 of 1988, states that Italian citizens transferring their residency abroad, must register with AIRE within 90 days from their arrival, by making a declaration to the competent consular office.

This registration is necessary to be able to benefit of all the services provided by the Italian Consulate, to vote for elections in Italy and to avoid double taxation.

Please note that registration with AIRE is a duty of fellow citizens living abroad as well as a key condition to access consular services.

In this framework, it should be noted that Law 30 December 2023, n. 213 on the State Budget for the financial year 2024 and the multi-year budget for the three-year period 2024-2026 introduced a number of amendments. Specifically, art. 11 of the aforementioned Law 1228/1954, introduced stricter measures for those who, even if only de facto, move their residence abroad and do not comply with AIRE registration.

More precisely, the amended art. 11 of the aforementioned Law 1228/1954 allows Italian municipalities to impose a fine of €200 up to a maximum of €1,000 per person for each year of non-registration to AIRE and up to a maximum of five years. Furthermore, art. 1 paragraph 243 of the Budget Law provides for a specific obligation to report to the municipality of registry registration for all public administrations that, in the exercise of their functions, become aware of elements indicating a fellow citizen’s residence abroad, even if only de facto.
The municipality of registration must notify the Revenue Agency of the information received, so that it can initiate tax inspections.

A.I.R.E. registration is completely free of charge.



1. AIRE REGISTRATION                                                                                                                                                                    

How can I register in AIRE?

Registration can be made online through the Fast-it portal. It’s easy, intuitive and completely digital.

logo fast-it


In order to upload your application, you will need:

1. access to the website (by clicking here) and complete the registration procedure;

2. click on “Consular Register and AIRE” and on “Request the registration in the Registry of Italian citizens residing abroad (AIRE)”, carefully reading the instructions that appear on the video;

3. enter the requested data. The procedure does not allow you to go to the following screens without first filling out the mandatory data. However, it is recommended to enter as many details as possible;

4. print and sign the form, to be uploaded. Also attach a scanned copy of the Italian passport for each Italian member of the family. If you do not have an Italian passport, you MUST attach a copy of the birth certificate issued from the Italian Municipality. You must also upload proof of residence (for example: utility bills, driving licence, rental contract). You can combine multiple documents into a single file, where necessary.

The service allows you to submit a single request per household. Do not limit information only to the mandatory fields but enter as many details as possible, in order to avoid your application being rejected. If any minors are part of the household, both parents MUST sign the declaration and a copy of the ID of the other parent must be attached.

Technical note: We only accept pdf documents scanned at 150-200dpi. Photos taken with mobile devices or images will not be accepted. Through the online portal, you can upload 3 multi-page pdf files (up to 1MB each).

Once submitted, the application is not automatically accepted: the progress will be communicated in real time and its completion will be notified on your home page of the FAST-IT website. For a description of the status of your application, please refer to the appropriate section “Frequently asked questions”.



-The creation of a user in Fast It DOES NOT automatically entail the registration/update in AIRE;

– After creating a Fast It user you must also submit a request for  AIRE registration/update through the system.

– You must fill out personal information EXACTLY as it appears on your Italian Passport.

– If you do not have an Italian passport, fill out information EXACTLY as it appears on your original birth certificate.

– Any middle names or multiple surnames must be entered respectively in the “FIRST NAME” and “SURNAME” field;

– Dates of birth must be in European format: DAY / MONTH / YEAR;

– The only acceptable signature is the handwritten one.

In case of technical difficulties or impossibility to register on the FAST-IT platform, please send an email to:

2. CHANGE OF ADDRESS                                                                                                                                                                  

Italian citizens who are already AIRE-registered through this Consulate and simply wish to notify a change of their residential address,  are now required to do so through FAST-IT, following the instructions provided.

Applicants need to upload:

  • a copy of their Italian passport or other PhotoID;
  • proof of the new address (alternatively, updated driver’s licence, utility bills, rental agreement);
  • when the change of address includes other family members, please include a form co-signed by your partner and a PhotoID for each family member who has changed address.

Through the FAST IT portal it is now possible to change address in a consular district different from the one you are currently enrolled in (example from Adelaide to Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane or Perth).

For more information, go to the dedicated FAST IT page for change of address, by clicking HERE

In case of technical difficulties or impossibility to change the address on the FAST-IT platform, please send an email

3. AIRE CANCELLATION (REPATRIATION TO ITALY)                                                                                                        

AIRE registered citizens who return permanently to Italy must report to the Municipality where they have decided to settle, in order to declare their new residential address.

On the same date, the Municipality will cancel the AIRE with simultaneous registration in the APR (Resident Population Registry).

It will be the responsibility of the Municipality to officially communicate the effective date of the repatriation to the Consulate of origin which will register the repatriation in its consular files.



By law, the Consular Registry does not have official value; therefore the Consular Offices CANNOT issue certificates of residence or of family status. These certificates can be obtained only from the relevant A.I.R.E. Municipality, which is the sole Italian authority in charge of official registrations.

The Consulate can only issue to interested parties certifications of inclusion in the Consular Registry that will show their address as recorded in the Registry and the members of their family living at the same address.


LAST UPDATE  24.01.2023