Please note that registration with AIRE is a duty of fellow citizens living abroad as well as a key condition to access consular services.
In this framework, it should be noted that Law 30 December 2023, n. 213 on the State Budget for the financial year 2024 and the multi-year budget for the three-year period 2024-2026 introduced a number of amendments. Specifically, art. 11 of the aforementioned Law 1228/1954, introduced stricter measures for those who, even if only de facto, move their residence abroad and do not comply with AIRE registration.
More precisely, the amended art. 11 of the aforementioned Law 1228/1954 allows Italian municipalities to impose a fine of €200 up to a maximum of €1,000 per person for each year of non-registration to AIRE and up to a maximum of five years. Furthermore, art. 1 paragraph 243 of the Budget Law provides for a specific obligation to report to the municipality of registry registration for all public administrations that, in the exercise of their functions, become aware of elements indicating a fellow citizen’s residence abroad, even if only de facto.
The municipality of registration must notify the Revenue Agency of the information received, so that it can initiate tax inspections.
For more information on AIRE registration, click on the following link: Registry of Italians residing abroad (AIRE)