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Disputed minors, new Foreign Ministry guidelines

The revised and updated version of the guidelines on “Disputed Minors: Consular Guidance and Assistance” is now available on the Foreign Ministry website.

The guidelines,rolled out by the Directorate-General for Italian Citizens Abroad,target Italian nationals who find themselves in the unfortunate situation of having to deal with so delicate and complex a matter as the international abduction of a minor (in 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairsdealt with over 500 such cases). This new reader-friendly version of the guidelines provides guidance and support to mothers and fathers of abducted children, describing the various forms of assistance that the Foreign Ministry, and our network of Embassies and Consulates around the world, can give. It also contains FAQs on how the Foreign Ministry and the diplomatic-consular network operate, with regard to international child abduction, based on the valuable experience built up over the years, by our offices abroad and the Directorate-General, thanks to the daily handling of concrete cases.

You can download the manual HERE