To access some services (passport, visa, citizenship and notary services) you are kindly asked to book an appointment. Check here for more information.
By duly booking your appointment online, you will help us deliver our services more efficiently! Once booked, you change your original appointment by logging into the booking system and verifying whether any variations to the availabilities have occurred. In the event that you no longer require your appointment, it would be appreciated if you could cancel it, so that others may access our services.
You can book your appointment online, with a simple click here! or on the following image:
Prenot@mi is the new and fast, entirely digital portal for booking appointments for consular services.
Before booking your appointment, check the information online
Before booking your appointment, please consult the Consulate’s website carefully for all information relating to consular services (notary services, passports, registry office and marital status, citizenship, visas, etc.), by clicking on this page and its subsections.
How does Prenot@mi work?
Prenot@mi is a fully automated booking system for consular services where the user can manage their account and appointments at the Consulate. The service is available in both Italian and English.
To access the service for the first time, the user must register by clicking on the “Register” button and entering all the required data.
Once the access credentials have been received, the user will be able to access the system using his user / password, by clicking on “Login”.
Book your appointment!
Once the credentials have been received, the user can enter the portal and choose the day and time of their appointment, depending on the service requested and the availability of the Office.
It is important to remember to print the booking details sheet and present it at the entrance on the day of the appointment.
Access the “Prenot@mi” portal ->